(Rainbow Flavor 16) [World of Pure (Negom)] Kono Kankei ni Namae o Tsukerunara | 如要为这段关系添上名字 (DokiDoki! Precure) [Chinese] [大友同好会]
(Rainbow Flavor 9) [World of Pure (Negom)] All is well that ends well. (DokiDoki! Precure) [Chinese] [大友同好会]
(C89) [World of Pure (Negom)] Rikka wa Koumiete Yoru ni Naru to Eroku Narunda yo? | Despite how she may seem. Rikka gets lewd at night (DokiDoki! Precure) [English]
(C89) [World of Pure (Negom)] Rikka wa Koumiete Yoru ni Naru to Eroku Narunda yo? | Despite how she may seem. Rikka gets lewd at night (DokiDoki! Precure) [English]